Looking for an active alliance

I am an active player. I took a break from game and came back. Now I'm playing catchup. Looking to join an alliance that is active and mostly full. I work and cant have phone while doing it. Sometimes 16hours a day. But I still try to get on before and after those days. Here is my top,

Name: Asgardians of the Galaxy
Tag: Laqq
Ride or Die Alliance or tag F!U!
My in game is Fallinangels or fallinangelsJR
We run map 4 Every day side by side with war
U must actively participate and kick ass in aq and aw... if u can do that then welcome home!! Everyone is quick to help you if needed and a couple boss killers are always waiting for the opportunity to kill the main boss!! Mini bosses we usually all wait till there are 2 nodes left powering the **** and then T off!!
Hit me up in game and i would love to welcome you and if u have anyone else needing an alliance i will welcome them too into our death squad!!
Line id is fallinangels1