Silver 1, Map 4 alliance looking for 100K+ active players

We're an active alliance going through a bit of a shake up and need players who've got at the very least 100K+ rating, and a profile of very solid 5/50 4*s or 3/45 5*s. We run Map 4 in AQ, and are Silver 1 in war (we're generally in the 9 path map). Alliance Quest is MANDATORY. War is not (only two battlegroups). No donations. No other requirements, other than be active, always join AQ unless you notify us first (we understand that life happens), and the Line App is encouraged, but not required.

Add me in game if you're interested (JohnHS) or on Line (Line ID = JohnHS9). Alternatively you can contact your leader, ecive. The alliance is [C_T_R] Pinnacle.

If you don't have at least a 100K rating and a profile of 5/50s or 3/45s, and if you're not willing to consistently join AQ, don't bother to contact me. Thanks!
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