New ally looking for active commited players 200k+ and up prestige with Line

We're a new alliance of experienced players looking for folks with good attitudes, Line, active and beasts!!!!
Communication is at the core of our group. We enjoy each others comradere and are friends here. We're not high pressure and have no donation requirements at this time.
You should have a minimum of 200k prestige and able to run war and quest simultaniously with solid champs. Weve run maps 3, 4 and 5 in our previous alliance.

If you're looking for a good group of folks to enjoy this game with and help one another grow and advance in the game, give me a shout on Line or in game. Find me as Nesheck on either.

Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you


  • kscharnockkscharnock Member Posts: 47
    200k prestige? I think your getting prestige and base hero rating mixed up mate...
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    Youre right....... Thanks for the correction.
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