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Rank down tickets!



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    SuckmyD33SuckmyD33 Posts: 20
    And multiple champs have been significantly changed and added, so it seems pretty validated to get them
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,855 ★★★★★
    Those were different tickete for a different reason that affected every champion in a different way
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    I don’t really care much for RDT’s. The only time I might consider using one (hypothetically) is if I have a 4* maxed out champ that I got a 5* version of, but usually I get enough mileage out of the 4* that I don’t really regret it much. Unless a champion has been fundamentally changed, RDT’s don’t have much of a placement since they are only necessary for people who make bad decisions. Changing of the meta is not a proper excuse.

    I am not understanding the benefit in ranking someone down, except for what Fred said (quoted). Is there any other benefit? Am I missing something? Please let me know.
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    SuckmyD33SuckmyD33 Posts: 20
    It’s to rethink who you’ve ranked up after so many changes have been made to all champs, it’s insane that we don’t get them again. Just make sure to only give 1 for each star value, like only one 5* rank down ticket, it was only ridiculous before because they gave so many at once, so people exploited another flaw in an update then and kept ranking down and reranking up the same champ for summoner advancement
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    Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Posts: 416 ★★
    Another one of these... haha
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    SuckmyD33SuckmyD33 Posts: 20
    People who have been playing this for multiple years and say they don’t need or want a rank down ticket after new champs are added regularly and old champs are being adjusted to actually be relevant now are just ignorant, so much has changed since the update like 2 years ago when we got rank down tickets
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,855 ★★★★★
    So here is it: If a champion gets majorly changed/reworked in a negative way, RDT's will be issued in order to let the player's invest the used resources on some other champion.

    Nothing else changed. No champion was nerfed (apart from the one's that got fixed), so you can't say that just because the game evolved since last year or so we deserve tickets for that. No.
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    SuckmyD33SuckmyD33 Posts: 20
    edited September 2019
    This is the first time ever they’ve given rank down tickets for a specific champ, and it’s by far the dumbest thing I’ve seen them do in the game, no one ranked up she hulk before and when she was made strong and there was a glitch to exploit everyone ranked her up, but everyone who did it knew they were exploiting a glitch that was going to be nerfed, so why should these people be able to change their decision on who they ranked up?
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    SuckmyD33SuckmyD33 Posts: 20
    If they can’t do rank down tickets at least just update all the garbage champs that are relevant like Antman, og hulk, cable, or colossus again so you don’t have to basically max their signature skills for them to be useful
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★
    You're still going on about this?
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,855 ★★★★★
    Yeh, it's the first time they give specific rank down tickets. Still wasn't surprising as they were announced like 2 years or so ago. That is the intention of it.

    You are just taking advantage of this scenario to ask for a buff on other champions, or just to pleg for RDT's like those that usually created daily threads about it.

    Again, this was a case where a champion animation was changed in order to avoid a certain gameplay with her. This was only changed due to her buff that enhanced this gameplay even further. So then, RDT's for her since she was the only champion affected, and not anyone else.

    If you want to ask for a buff to some character's then do a thread for them specifically. Or better yet, search for the one's already created
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    SuckmyD33SuckmyD33 Posts: 20
    I don’t know how you agree with people who exploited the she hulk glitch and knew it would be patched at some point and that they should be rewarded for their time spent exploiting a kabam error and get to rank her back down when she’s not as good anymore! You just sound like someone who ranked her up and used this error to your own advantage and now love the fact your not stuck with her ranked up!
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