Jesus Wept...Diablo UnC Event Quest

How on God’s green earth to defeat this toon. He is an easy champ to trash, but these buffs make him practically unkillable between 90% armor and all the regen with unstoppable. Guilly could not even get a good rib jab in lol. In AQ so stuck with these champs for now, but those are my only r45*s (Hella, Cage, Guilly, Xbones). Cage hits like a semi truck at an avg of 2200 to 3200 / hit. Xbones has steady hits in 2k range. Guills trashes and bleeds and Hella whomps steady 1k+ depending on stacks.

She-hulk and other champs that can rid of unstoppable should be your go to.
The armor 90% seems to not reduce crit damage so don't be underwhelmed if you're doing low damage as your crits should just go through. Be patient !
Not that bad
Unfortunately my R35* Domino is in AQ. Man she crits like a beast and when you lucky that bleed she smokes em. Heck I’ve had her grenade do 12k damage on l1. Love her. Big red is only r2.
Yeah I will peck at it. Good to know about new cap. Have a 4* duped at r1. Have been focusing on only 5* ranks since coming back to game though.
Ok. Yeah I was just pounding at him mercilessly even sneaking in hits on his unstoppable and dexing back. Just good to know others are getting him. Appreciate all the tips folks. Keep em coming especially for the champs shown.
Luke Hell Guilly awake r45*. Xbones r45* not awake. Yondu r35* not awake.
Now you just gotta do it 3-4 more times for Exploration!
Quake makes that fight really easy. I used a 5/50 4*. 0 revives 0 problems