Rank down She Hulk for Quake?

FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
I have a 4* She Hulk that I ranked up. I also have a 4* Quake sitting at rank 1. Should I rank down She Hulk and take up Quake?

I can do the Parry-Heavy (Quake 'N Bake) but can't do the Dex-Heavy technique with Quake (Quake 'N Shake). Also keep in mind that whoever is chosen here will be used against the Collector.

Rank down She Hulk for Quake? 13 votes

Rank down She Hulk
ArcDeAngelusRagamugginGunnerLvernon15CliffordcanIncitatus666FhfjghhggggjfhfjgTony886ẞlооdEtjamaYa_Boi_28Kevo9513Thoye3 12 votes
Don't rank down She Hulk
MegaGalactic 1 vote


  • Bossmode12Bossmode12 Member Posts: 111
    I have the same question for 5* versions, but just got quake so don’t know how to use her yet.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Rank down She Hulk
    Quake is a total game changer. Once you get her down (both playstyles) fights that used to be scary for your roster tend to go away haha..
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