Basic arena, better to grind with 3 or 4*?

So I'm wondering if it'd be a better strategy to level up a bunch of 3*s to the max or level a few 4*s to like r3, r4 or something? 3*s are much cheaper and I could have a lot more of them but it'd also take more time to grind for points than 4*s do, which is the better strategy? I really want to be able to get into the top 1-10% easier.
Out of the 4*s
I have two maxed out
Three at R4
Four at R3
Two at R2
And the rest are all still r1
In the captain marvel arena I got 2.2 mil with these champs which sadly wasn't enough
So based on having thirty four 4*s at the levels I stated do you think I should work on them instead of 3*s?