Marvel's Contest Of Chivalry

Time for Contest 2
Why is Spiderman in a Stark suit more powerful than Thor?
Why does Dr.Strange consistently loose to street level metas? Has this contest warped the fans very idea of the power level of characters?
I want this game redone with appropriate power levels immediately.
Why is Spiderman in a Stark suit more powerful than Thor?
Why does Dr.Strange consistently loose to street level metas? Has this contest warped the fans very idea of the power level of characters?
I want this game redone with appropriate power levels immediately.
Marvel's Contest Of Chivalry 6 votes
Magneto should be able to instakill any Metal Champion. Mkay.
Hulk should be able to instakill more or less every non-superhuman champ in the game. Mkay.
Phoenix should be able to melt 90% of champions. Mkay.
Hawkeye would ever only win against himself or another non-super. Mkay.