Aegon worth the R5?

JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
edited September 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I recently got a 5* Aegon from a log in G.M.
crystal (Thanks Kabam 🤗🤗) and awaked him with a skill gem. He now seats at r4 sig 160
My only R5 are domino (first one) and Spidey.
I really felt the difference in both champs from r4 to r5, especially Spidey.
My question is:
For you guys out there that have him at R5, whats the advantage?Is worth the R5 or he can perform as well at R4?
By the logic,less damage more hits to the combo right?

Thanks in advance


  • XZANDER44XZANDER44 Member Posts: 24
    Yes aegon is beast rank5 him for sure
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 124
    It depends on what content you wish to take on @Jokepool
    If you wish to tackle the labyrinth then there's no question in it, aegon should be maxed... Otherwise you should consider maxing someone else who would reap the benefit better, aegon is not much use in short fight scenarios, you should consider going with synergies for your already maxed ones, maybe red hulk or massacre for domino or blade for your spidey
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★

    It depends on what content you wish to take on @Jokepool
    If you wish to tackle the labyrinth then there's no question in it, aegon should be maxed... Otherwise you should consider maxing someone else who would reap the benefit better, aegon is not much use in short fight scenarios, you should consider going with synergies for your already maxed ones, maybe red hulk or massacre for domino or blade for your spidey

    I'd actually argue that Ægon actually does BETTER in Labyrinth at rank 4. It'll allow you to fully ramp up in less fights. But hey the extra attack and health could be helpful.
    note that I'm not really an expert on Ægon; I don't have him past a 3-star and I haven't done labyrinth past that one attempt a lot of people probably do right after initial completion of RttL... hey I'm happy I got I think 10% of Red Hulk down with my 4/55 domino?
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 124
    Personally I don't have the experience in the labyrinth with or without aegon, but I make it my duty to analyze each champ to the best of my ability, and in the labyrinth you're in no hurry to get your combo up, after the first couple fights you should be at 999 combo with aegon with a high sig level... If you intend to make an exploration run then aegon it is
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    No,I do not. LOL and ROL and not my goal in the game. To longer fights for the rewords you get. Normally I do uncollected,master, monthly events that they have and focus then on variants or 100% 6.1/first run in 6.2.
    O have 6* red Hulk and 4* massacre that go along with Domino. I don't have a 5star blade.
    I love playing with Aegon,he is really fun but I was thinking about that to. For short fight he probably performs better at r4 then at R5,you get more chances to go for a higher combo
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    As the proud owner of a 5-65 sig 200 aegon (humblebrag) I can say he’s a great r5 option, it makes the ramp up fights significantly easier, the health increase is huge for a champ with no real sustainability, and at r5 he’s capable of doing lol runs itemless ( another humblebrag)
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402

    This is my top champs
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    I really do love reading the champions names in Portuguese. They sound so musical.
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402

    I really do love reading the champions names in Portuguese. They sound so musical.

  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    Lvernon15 said:

    As the proud owner of a 5-65 sig 200 aegon (humblebrag) I can say he’s a great r5 option, it makes the ramp up fights significantly easier, the health increase is huge for a champ with no real sustainability, and at r5 he’s capable of doing lol runs itemless ( another humblebrag)

    You use him outside LOL or ROL?
    With 100hits he already have good stuff going
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I think rank 4 is good enough for aegon, as mentioned by others he needs to ramp up so there are limited places where he can truly shine unless you will always use aegon for all story and event quests.
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402

    I think rank 4 is good enough for aegon, as mentioned by others he needs to ramp up so there are limited places where he can truly shine unless you will always use aegon for all story and event quests.

    For shorter fights his better at R4. Now is just to manage to make him at Sig 200
    As far as I can see his big damage come from his furys. You can get them from getting hit. At 50 combo you can start to get those furys in a more safe way, only get 5% damage while you doing your heavy attack. It as been very useful to finish combats quick
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Considering you don't have any other really good Skill champs, I'd say yes. If you had other options though, I'd say that Ægon can do his job at R4. Definetely don't wait for champs like Blade or Nick Fury though as you never know when you'd get em. If you have the opportunity to Rank 5 any champ though, not just Skill, I know many will probably disagree with me, but I'd say Rank 5 Archangel or Medusa. They may not be as good as Ægon for certain content, but they definitely gain a lot more from R5.
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    Etjama said:

    Considering you don't have any other really good Skill champs, I'd say yes. If you had other options though, I'd say that Ægon can do his job at R4. Definetely don't wait for champs like Blade or Nick Fury though as you never know when you'd get em. If you have the opportunity to Rank 5 any champ though, not just Skill, I know many will probably disagree with me, but I'd say Rank 5 Archangel or Medusa. They may not be as good as Ægon for certain content, but they definitely gain a lot more from R5.

  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    This is where im seating for now.
    If i have to really rank up one I would say r2 for sentinel. Really strong champ.
    My next goal is finish the first run to 6.2,do 100% variant 3...the other ones are to long
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited September 2019

    It depends on what content you wish to take on @Jokepool
    If you wish to tackle the labyrinth then there's no question in it, aegon should be maxed... Otherwise you should consider maxing someone else who would reap the benefit better, aegon is not much use in short fight scenarios, you should consider going with synergies for your already maxed ones, maybe red hulk or massacre for domino or blade for your spidey

    I'd actually argue that Ægon actually does BETTER in Labyrinth at rank 4. It'll allow you to fully ramp up in less fights. But hey the extra attack and health could be helpful.
    note that I'm not really an expert on Ægon; I don't have him past a 3-star and I haven't done labyrinth past that one attempt a lot of people probably do right after initial completion of RttL... hey I'm happy I got I think 10% of Red Hulk down with my 4/55 domino?
    This is false. Quite a strange assessment actually. Coming from someone who did path 4 with a rank 4 Ægon, and paths 5-7 with a rank 5. He is WAY better for LOL at 5/65.

    I used about 500 units total for the last three paths of LOL, and that was only due to being slightly underprepared resource wise. He’s worth the rank up for that alone.
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402

    It depends on what content you wish to take on @Jokepool
    If you wish to tackle the labyrinth then there's no question in it, aegon should be maxed... Otherwise you should consider maxing someone else who would reap the benefit better, aegon is not much use in short fight scenarios, you should consider going with synergies for your already maxed ones, maybe red hulk or massacre for domino or blade for your spidey

    I'd actually argue that Ægon actually does BETTER in Labyrinth at rank 4. It'll allow you to fully ramp up in less fights. But hey the extra attack and health could be helpful.
    note that I'm not really an expert on Ægon; I don't have him past a 3-star and I haven't done labyrinth past that one attempt a lot of people probably do right after initial completion of RttL... hey I'm happy I got I think 10% of Red Hulk down with my 4/55 domino?
    This is false. Quite a strange assessment actually. Coming from someone who did path 4 with a rank 4 Ægon, and paths 5-7 with a rank 5. He is WAY better for LOL at 5/65.

    I used about 500 units total for the last three paths of LOL, and that was only due to being slightly underprepared resource wise. He’s worth the rank up for that alone.
    You use him outside LOL?
    That rank up was more a like the champ one then a logic one lol. All of my rank 4 and 5 I did not rank them becase they ware good but becase they serve a proposed with some ability.
    I never did any path on lol,to scared to do it 😀🤪
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    It depends on what content you wish to take on @Jokepool
    If you wish to tackle the labyrinth then there's no question in it, aegon should be maxed... Otherwise you should consider maxing someone else who would reap the benefit better, aegon is not much use in short fight scenarios, you should consider going with synergies for your already maxed ones, maybe red hulk or massacre for domino or blade for your spidey

    I'd actually argue that Ægon actually does BETTER in Labyrinth at rank 4. It'll allow you to fully ramp up in less fights. But hey the extra attack and health could be helpful.
    note that I'm not really an expert on Ægon; I don't have him past a 3-star and I haven't done labyrinth past that one attempt a lot of people probably do right after initial completion of RttL... hey I'm happy I got I think 10% of Red Hulk down with my 4/55 domino?
    This is false. Quite a strange assessment actually. Coming from someone who did path 4 with a rank 4 Ægon, and paths 5-7 with a rank 5. He is WAY better for LOL at 5/65.

    I used about 500 units total for the last three paths of LOL, and that was only due to being slightly underprepared resource wise. He’s worth the rank up for that alone.
    Just out of curiosity, you said you didn’t have enough resources. I’m assuming you mean potions? How many would you suggest for each path?
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