My lack of skills did an oopsie

Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
So basically I can't get a good 5*s and out of 20 5*s of which 2 are sig 20 and one is sig 40 (from duping) my tech 5*s are Howard the Truck, Yondu, Trash Panda, and Civil Warrior. To make things worse I have 12 tech T4CC and the aforementioned champs are r2 and the only useful 4* tech I can take to r5 is StarLord. (The only other one which I already have r5 is Sparky)

(Basically what do I do with my 12 tech T4CC when I have nothing of value to rank up) Thanks to anyone that made it this far!


  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 123
    There is no reason you shouldn't take 4* starlord to max rank, other than if he is unawakened @Bc10551
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Yondu is great. Use on him to R3
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Yondu is worth it. He’s a lot better than you think. I would love too pull him as a 5*
  • Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
    The thing is I feel like StarLord and Yondu wouldn't do much for my team when I use cm movie 5* r3 (can't seem to get any cosmic t4cc), Iceman 5* r4, sparky 4* r5 sig 99, blade 4* r5 sig 99, she hulk 5* r3 sig 40 (can't seem to get any science t4cc either) or ghostrider 4* r5 (last two are dependent on scenarios)
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★

    Yondu is worth it. He’s a lot better than you think. I would love too pull him as a 5*

    I feel like only ppl who don’t appreciate Yondu get him at high rarities🥴

    I grinded for his 4* when he was released and have loved him ever since (when I have Collar Tech on). I’d love a 5 or 6* Yondu
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Bc10551 said:

    The thing is I feel like StarLord and Yondu wouldn't do much for my team when I use cm movie 5* r3 (can't seem to get any cosmic t4cc), Iceman 5* r4, sparky 4* r5 sig 99, blade 4* r5 sig 99, she hulk 5* r3 sig 40 (can't seem to get any science t4cc either) or ghostrider 4* r5 (last two are dependent on scenarios)

    You need to rank 3 for AQ and 8 for AW as the next step. You need more than 5 good questing champs to progress. Think with top 16, not top 5 and you can put those cats to use
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,331 ★★★★★
    Ultimately you'll want a bunch of 5* at R3 for arena purposes and utility so Yondu is worth taking up
  • Bc10551Bc10551 Member Posts: 52
    Okay thanks I will rank up Yondu (I do like his playstyle and used to use him as 5* and he's a great utility champ)
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 123
    Bro I have a 6* yondu and I find him rather useless... Don't get me wrong I like his heal block if anything, but I just don't see him as a very useful champ other than heal block and him being a decent war defender... I can be wrong tho
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