Issue with Claire Voyant

So Kabam I have to say what an amazing job you have done with her amazing champion
One issue I’ve found with her
When attacking attacking any champion with unstoppable buff-
Using a light or medium attack the buff is nullified, but the champion ur face then attacks u ! So Claire Voyant can’t nullify and continue her combo
I believe reading into her this is a bug and makes a massive difference to her as a viable champ to play -
Please could this be sorted ASAP
Please look at this vid and how amazing she is but have to parry to be safe to remove unstoppable buff
This shows that there is a slight delay In the nullify what causes this issue
On the vid u can see when parried the Hit doesn’t more the champion back at all when nullifying the unstoppable buff
Hope this explains and helps to get her fix as she is amazing
One issue I’ve found with her
When attacking attacking any champion with unstoppable buff-
Using a light or medium attack the buff is nullified, but the champion ur face then attacks u ! So Claire Voyant can’t nullify and continue her combo
I believe reading into her this is a bug and makes a massive difference to her as a viable champ to play -
Please could this be sorted ASAP
Please look at this vid and how amazing she is but have to parry to be safe to remove unstoppable buff

This shows that there is a slight delay In the nullify what causes this issue
On the vid u can see when parried the Hit doesn’t more the champion back at all when nullifying the unstoppable buff
Hope this explains and helps to get her fix as she is amazing
That being said this clearly ruins her ability to intercept champions with unstoppable. We all know which champion needs to be intercepted and nullified. 6.2.6 Champion boss. So it totally ruins her a bit there.
In addition when fighting Annihilus he throws a heavy attack. Its just one swing of an attack. He has unstoppable. I go to punish this heavy attack and it nullifies the unstoppable BUT Annihilus then hits me with me a combo. This is where this interaction doesn't make sense to me. He threw a heavy. I'm not even trying to intercept him. Yet Annihilus gets that advantage to follow up with hits. You can test this yourself or you can skip to 8:02 in this video and he does it immediately at the start of the fight; the very first heavy attack. He also does it again later in the fight.
Is this working as you intended? I feel like it was done to make her less of a complete powerhouse against 6.2.6 but you overlooked this heavy unstoppable interaction.
Also you can't even BLOCK his follow hits. Even if you throw a single medium attack. He will hit you and there is nothing you can do about it. You may as well just say she can only nullify everything but unstoppable and just remove the ability to do so altogether. If thats intended. Which i dont think it is. I think this is just an oversight.
When you attack into someone with unstoppable it does not trigger the disorient/stun state, even if your attack removes the unstoppable as a secondary effect of the hit there is no reason to believe that it would retroactively put that champion into that state. If you can attack him a second time before he hits you after nullifying the buff then that should work.
Cap IW - "100% chance to Nullify all Unstoppable Buffs when striking the Opponent."
Claire - "If the Opponent has 1 or more Buffs, landing or receiving a Light or Medium attack consumes a charge and Nullifies 1 of their Buffs."
From my understanding, Cap IW can Nullify an unstoppable buff right away. So you can intercept or punish opponents heavy or special while they still have an unstoppable buff active. With Claire, the unstoppable buff doesn't appear to get Nullified as quickly as Caps. I'm not sure how the descriptions of the buffs make up the difference in nullifying. I might need to play around with it more. The video in ilacskills fight against Annihilus seems to show it pretty well, but I think I need a video of cap iw doing that same fight so you can see the difference.
Don’t know if that’s intended or not. Doesn’t say anywhere that annihulus should be able to do that.
It also doesn’t make sense that Claire can hit them to nullify unstoppable and then after it’s nullified she gets hit by them. Hitting anyone with a light or medium means you are technically in a combo. How can someone interrupt your combo to hit you when the only means by which they could hit you (unstoppable) has already been nullified?
Cap IW pushing back The Champion after Nullify
Claire Voyant NOT pushing back The Champion after Nullify
Seems like a bug.
Annihulus maintains his unstoppable against everyone in the same manner, even against champs like CapIW who were designed and intended to hit through unstoppable and can do so against everyone else. It’s almost as if his unstoppable cannot be nullified, which is found nowhere in his abilities page.
Also seems like a bug.
Would be nice to see a hotfix for both interactions.
That would be a bug. Nowhere in Annihulus’ abilities does it say that you cannot nullify his unstoppable.
Whenever any Buff would be removed by a Nullify, Fate Seal, or Stagger, the effect is Purified and the Cosmic Control Rod is removed for 10 seconds.
It says that if the unstoppable would be nullified the nullify is purified and the rod is removed instead.
You hit into his attack, your attack goes the nullify unstoppable, the control rod says nope and purifies the nullify (stopping it)
If the control rod is down then that is another story, but that should only happen in the case of a backdraft intercept due to how his unstoppable works.
Is anyone able to provide input on why Claire's nullify of unstoppable buffs doesn't push them back as Cap IW does?
They are maintaining unstoppable abilities while no longer having an unstoppable buff.
At 8:25 in the video the nullify removes the rod leaving the unstoppable as his ability says.
9:24 is the heavy I believe you are talking about. You will note here if you slow it down to 25% speed the unstobble is not nullified, it expires, and there is good reason for that, your CV has no Clairvoyance Charges left as you can see in this image:
As for the 2nd time he got hit, he didn't nullify it because he didn't have any charges (which you need to nullify). It went away because it expired, not because it was nullified.
ooooo i really need to rewatch this now in slowmo. thats interesting! lemme look. the first time is the start of the fight with the very first heavy attack.
EDIT: @Kyliente @lormif Yep youre right and wrong. It happens so fast. The first nullify shuts off the rod but then the unstoppable just runs out. It doesnt get nullified by hitting me or anything. Good catch.
So now that that is settled what do yas think? Do you think Claire shouldn't be allowed to intercept Juggernaut? I got footage of her failing to do that too.
the exact quote for champion spotlight
"After landing or receiving a Light or Medium attack and the Opponent has 1 or more Buffs, a charge is consumed and 1 Buff is Nullified."
the game description says
"if the opponent has 1 or more Buffs, landing or receiving a Light or Medium attack consumes a charge and Nullifies 1 of their Buffs."
Honestly why bother having it nullify unstoppable at all if it wont work as normal? Just seems this was done as a mistake or to protect the 6.2.6 champion boss.
Luckily the sp2 buff immunity still prevents unstoppables from triggering but doesnt help when you are skilled with intercepts. or as you've already seen in this thread prime examples.
Scarlett Witch can do it just fine with her nullify can't she? Correct me if i'm wrong.
This definitely looks like a bug, both Cap IW and Claire nullify the opponent unstoppable buff when attacking them, so they both should work the same way unless we are missing something