Alliance recruitment. Looking for skilled and progressing players..

Avenge the revenge is an AQ alliance and on season AW , with a great core of experienced players. We do have lives outside the game. But expect our players to manage their moves.
8.9 mil Alliance
AQ map 5 (5-5-4-4-4).As these maps require a certain caliber of roster.
Line required.
I believe it is Quite an opportunity as we maintain At least Gold 3 and we're trying to achieve Gold 1 or 2 with the next season we don't pressure much. We do AQ daily for the all 5 days. Looking for skilled and progressing players.... Friendly and welcoming allaince
If you are interested please message saiyedo in the line app. See you soon!
8.9 mil Alliance
AQ map 5 (5-5-4-4-4).As these maps require a certain caliber of roster.
Line required.
I believe it is Quite an opportunity as we maintain At least Gold 3 and we're trying to achieve Gold 1 or 2 with the next season we don't pressure much. We do AQ daily for the all 5 days. Looking for skilled and progressing players.... Friendly and welcoming allaince
If you are interested please message saiyedo in the line app. See you soon!