Questing champions

Bigg_DoggBigg_Dogg Member Posts: 128
What makes a good questing champion in your opinion? I know regeneration is my number one priority like x23, Angela, venom duck, etc. What makes a good questing champ for you??


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Sustainability is nice but for me they have to have some form of unique utility to get through tougher fights and also have enough damage so those fights don’t last forever, my main 4 questing champs are omega ghost quake and captain sparkles
  • Bigg_DoggBigg_Dogg Member Posts: 128
    Nice! I have ghost and quake. I just dont have the skills to play ghost and quake, lol. I mainly use iceman for my utility champ. Still trying to 'learn' to play the utility champs after 2 years
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