Who should I use my generic 4* awakening gem on?

I have no idea who to use my gem on. Its my only one too! (Who ever gets the most votes will get upgraded, so the fact that archangel is r1 doesn't really matter) I also use venom, hyperion, and scarlet witch more than the others (venom being the most used)

Who should I use my generic 4* awakening gem on? 6 votes

Cull Obsidian (R3, 30/30)
Hyperion (R4, 40/40)
Archangel (R1, 10/10)
Thicco_Mode 1 vote
Venom (R5, 50/50)
Scarlet Witch (R4, 40/40)
ChampioncriticMegaGalacticFhfjghhggggjfhfjgFred_JoeityPongosBongos 5 votes
Killmonger (R1, 10/10)
Guillotine (R1, 10/10)
Psylocke (R1, 10/10)
Thor (Ragnarok) (R1, 10/10)
Ghost Rider (R1, 10/10)


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Scarlet Witch (R4, 40/40)
    Every other champ on that list has a 5 or 6* version available, so you can still get them as a 5* and hope to dupe those instead. SW however only exists as a 4*, so it would be wise to max out 4* SW as its the strongest version of SW there will ever be for the forseeable future.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    Scarlet Witch (R4, 40/40)
    Hyperion and Archangel would also be decent options. Maybe Cull too, but that might change depending on how much stock you’re putting into the alleged nerf. GR or Killmonger might also work, but I say they’re only worth a class gem unless you like them.
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