Help with rank five choice

I'm struggling in act five right now and I want everyone's opinions on which rank up will help me the most
My ghost is carrying me now but she needs some help
Corvus is not super useful for act five cause of the healthpools
I would do omega but he's only sig 30 ish and seems very underwhelming
I'm leaning towards blade but he's unduped
I'm also thinking about aa
My other options are below

My ghost is carrying me now but she needs some help
Corvus is not super useful for act five cause of the healthpools
I would do omega but he's only sig 30 ish and seems very underwhelming
I'm leaning towards blade but he's unduped
I'm also thinking about aa
My other options are below

Help with rank five choice 29 votes
If anyone thinks I should rank them please comment
Or is only sig 30
The problem with Medusa and sparky is that I have no t4cc for either of them so I'd prefer to rank someone else up first
I'm getting my fifth five star in two weeks and Ill see what it is
You might also invest in Colossus and OML. With OR and EF also will be good.
AA is a beast and helps through a lot of content.
Imo he is way better unduped specially when is below that 30% hp