5* Crossbones or Night Thrasher to rank4?

Theo628Theo628 Member Posts: 103
edited September 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I have a r3 awakened Crossbones for a while and i like him a lot. The Night Trasher is a more recent pull and i haven't played him that much. Could you throw in some pros and cons to help me decide, please?

5* Crossbones or Night Thrasher to rank4? 9 votes

Dupped Crossbones
ЗАКСОЛИНMegaGalacticTimeGenesis 3 votes
FhfjghhggggjfhfjgCtuchik 2 votes
Lvernon15EtjamaGiodood_1Skadoosh11 4 votes


  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★★
    Dupped Crossbones
    Out of the two champs I prefer Crossbones. But imo, he is worth R3 max.
    Totally depends where you are at the game though
  • Theo628Theo628 Member Posts: 103

    Out of the two champs I prefer Crossbones. But imo, he is worth R3 max.
    Totally depends where you are at the game though

    I'm exploring act5 (already finished It), done ROL and can 100% uncollected monthly events.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I’m assuming nt is unduped? If he’s duped rank him up
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