Questions for Civil Warrior pros

Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
(If you do not like Civil Warrior or "just know he sucks", please do not respond to this posting.)

1) how helpful is his OAA in actual fights?
2) how viable is he in Act 5?

I want to rank him (fun to play), but resources are limited.
He works well in Act 4 type content.
I know his damage output is less than stellar.
I have more problems with energy control, unstoppable, unblockable, block damage, and various nodes.
He seems like an answer to my problems.

Thank you for your responses.


  • Xyresic_LemonXyresic_Lemon Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2019
    I actually agree that he's really fun to play! His power drain can certainly be useful, and he's definitely a tank. I think if you play him well he could be helpful in act five. I imagine his block proficiency would be quite nice against the collector while you're baiting heavies, plus the power drain to help deal with his specials. I think if the rest of your team are all good champions who could pick up the slack where he falls a little short, you could totally bring him. Some quick notes that I just thought of though:
    1. There are moments where you really do need big damage for champs to be viable. The first quest of the first chapter is a great example: he'd probably have trouble handling flare. I don't remember if he has a heal block mechanic or not, but if he doesn't he won't be able to handle anyone who regenerates a lot. I imagine buffet could be a problem for him as well.
    2. You said it above, but his power control really is pretty nice. I think he'll come in handy all over the place for that, especially for a few of the bosses.
    3. I imagine that he would do well against masochism as long as you avoid parrying, because his block proficiency will help bait heavies easily. You'd have to be playing pretty well though

    If you enjoy playing him, go for the rank up! There are probably all sorts of things that I didn't think of that he would be good for, and I don't know where you are in act five right now. I love seeing people who rank up champs that they love regardless of whether or not other people think that that champion is good.

    Anyway, that's my two cents.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I used him in Act four a lot; but essentially he got replaced once I had an Awakened Vision. If he's a five or especially a six-star champion, he could be helpful; particularly if you don't have a Vision. If he's a four-star? Probably not so much.

    Having said that, he's defensively solid, so suits a player who parries a lot; and needs to be thought of as a Power Control champion. With that perspective, his damage isn't too bad, and it's superior to slightly better Power Controllers like Vision* and Dormammu. Clearly it's nothing to write home about, though.

    He's got a very reliable Heal Block (@Xyresic_Lemon) which makes him a great counter to champs like Sinister; as well as Awakened Magik, Wolverine, etc. His armour and Power drain also makes him a very good counter for Havok.

    *In Act 5.1 to 5.2 there are quests like Power Shield and Life Transfer where he'll out-perform champs like Vision; as his Special Attacks will get their damage boosted, whereas Vision's won't work at all with those nodes (as his SP1 and SP2 do zero damage, and the Power Burn doesn't interact with the nodes).

    CW's Offensive Ability Accuracy reduction is potentially handy, but you need to be lucky, and to spam SP1 to build up 4-5 long-lasting armours before you'll really notice it. Still, once you do, you can avoid damage like Degeneration and 'unavoidable' effects like Sinister's concussion and DoT transfer.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Power drain and heal block. He’s fun to play but he needs a buff
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    I got him as 6*. Power drain is quite useful, and also heal block. I used him to clear Master EQ this month, since my top toys are either on AQ or AW, so he had to pull this weight. Not amazing damage output, and if he gets a buff could be a really good tool.

    I wouldnt take him to act 5. There are better options, he is just not that reliable
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    He’s fun to play and has a bit of utility but overall isn’t worth using t4 cats on imo, his power drain semi immunities and other utility are nice but he’s inferior in almost every way to most other similar champs like vision
  • Blue_Eyed_ThingBlue_Eyed_Thing Member Posts: 134
    I ranked mine up(Rank 3 five star) to help with the crossbones fight, as to me he seemed to fit the bill perfectly of what I needed. heal block, semi immunity's, and power drain is pretty handy. to be honest his damage is not what it could be but his AAR when you have 5 permanent armors it is pretty awesome. I have tested him on a few different things, biohazard, the one where they save to an sp3, and a few thorns nodes( Honestly could not really tell if his AAR was working on that one which could and probably is because his AAR is coded to only deal with offensive ability accuracy and not defensive abilities.) He is an interesting champ but Everything he does others do better then he does. I personally would not invest tier 2 alphas into him, this last betta just for kicks I took him up to 565 and his damage was still really low. So as a rank three utility champion he is okay but as a champ, you can build a roster around, look for someone else.
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Denslo500 said:

    just know he sucks

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★

    This last beta just for kicks I took him up to 5/65 and his damage was still really low. So as a rank three utility champion he is okay but as a champ, you can build a roster around, look for someone else.

    Now there's a guy who does his research! That sounds like a pretty fair assessment - he's got uses; but would largely be holding a place till you get someone better.

    Shame really, as I love his animations.
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    Thank you all for the information.

    I have him as a 5*.
    If I ever get an excess of resources, I will rank him.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Civil Warrior just needs that extra oomf to be good. I suggested a rework, but I don't think Kabam have him on their to do list. Still, if they could only give him two good synergies with CAIW and IMIW...
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019
    Late additional comment, but I can definitely attest to the fact his armour reduces offensive ability accuracy can be very annoying when he's in defense, especially when he's on the right node.

    Just had to take him down on an Explosive Personality node in the UC EQ. Could Ghost Rider get a single judgement off? No. Could I nullify or Fate Seal them? No.

    Obviously, I could have stopped hitting into his block, but muscle memory is a tricky thing to overcome, sometimes...
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