Cosmic Ultron Droid can chain a 5 hit combo into special 1 (after throwing special 1)
So I look at all of the Cosmic Ultron Droid abilities in aq and nowhere was said that it could chain a 5 hit combo into a special attack
As @Kabam Miike Said in "She-Hulk champion Nurf post discussion" if it is not written in champions ability it is a bug
I think kabam should refund the whole Aq week rewards because of this bug
As @Kabam Miike Said in "She-Hulk champion Nurf post discussion" if it is not written in champions ability it is a bug
I think kabam should refund the whole Aq week rewards because of this bug
This Droid has Vision Animations + Magneto Special attacks because of distance which magneto special 1 will make and Vision Medium attack animation you can't intercept attack this Ultron droid
I did not mean 5 Hit combo + special attack