Labyrinth of legends first run (nick fury rank 4)

so, I've been preparing for my initial completion of labyrinth of legends and I have a few questions. firstly, why is it that every opponent evades my nick fury even though I have over 5 intel? secondly, does this mean the intel won't prevent evade on someone like miles morales? thirdly, are there any champions who can prevent evade in labyrinth? and lastly, will nick fury be getting a nerf/buff and if so, when will be his evaluation?(should I wait for a possible buff or should I use him before a nerf?).
In my opinion nick fury could actually use a slight buff to his internal bleed because it is almost impossible to get up in an average fight and doesn't last that long. I think it should get a duration increase or maybe nick's heavy could make an internal bleed every time or something.
also here is my planned path(custom):
starlord, thor, Netflix daredevil, miles Morales, black widow, cyclops (90's), rhino, venom, ironfist, civil warrior
my biggest worry is the cyclops (because mutant). will I still unlock the increased enrage timer if I have a class disadvantage?
In my opinion nick fury could actually use a slight buff to his internal bleed because it is almost impossible to get up in an average fight and doesn't last that long. I think it should get a duration increase or maybe nick's heavy could make an internal bleed every time or something.
also here is my planned path(custom):
starlord, thor, Netflix daredevil, miles Morales, black widow, cyclops (90's), rhino, venom, ironfist, civil warrior
my biggest worry is the cyclops (because mutant). will I still unlock the increased enrage timer if I have a class disadvantage?
I really don't think NF needs a buff since he is a very strong character with great synergies. If he would be touched it would probably be in the other direction which i still doubt since he has some limitations but you can never be sure with kabam and their (weird from my point of view) logic with that kind of stuff.