
Dear Kabam
I have been with the game since near the very beginning, have invested a small fortune in it, and have achieved well over 450k rating.
The last few months on this game have been horrible in terms of gameplay quality.
Last week, no lag, parry started working again, I was not having combos interrupted, my evade was reliable, I was not having all the random performance issues. It was the old game I used to love.
This week, nothing works again, and we are back to square one.
It's like some kind of psychological experiment.
I was so tempted by your T4 cat offer this weekend, but I just can't justify spending money on this game right now.
I love this game so much, in terms of concept and design, but the realisation and mechanics are just so poor it's unbelievable.
I've spent months hoping beyond hope that you were going to make things better, just holding out for one more release when things might have improved, but they never do, or the fix is only temporary.
You never communicate any real acknowledgment of the issues or recognition of the poor quality of your product.
I've completely lost any satisfaction or sense of achievement with this game, because all the performance issues stack the game so badly against the player.
I just wish there was someone out there at Kabam who listened and responded and felt some sense of responsibility to the community. I think it must be nearly time to move on.


  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    How did the game play so well for a few days to a week after the latest patch and then completely degrade again??? I don't understand it.
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