Horrible 5* Luck Streak

So.. I opened about 6 5* crystals in the last two days and lets just say I'd sell them for even 1000 5* shards. I got Juggernaut x2, Kamala Khan, Blue Cyclops, Rhino, Netflix Daredevil. I honestly do not even remember my last good 5* champion; its been months since I got my last good pull (Emma Frost).
What about you guys, any luck recently? Or are you getting shafted as much as me?
No clue what to do at this point.. missing a lot of champs to continue the story quest and I keep pulling meme-tier champs.
What about you guys, any luck recently? Or are you getting shafted as much as me?
No clue what to do at this point.. missing a lot of champs to continue the story quest and I keep pulling meme-tier champs.
I've got nothing but meme tier 5*s to and so do several other players with the exception of a few, you need several before you can buy 5* dungeon Crystals which further proves the point that they dont want you having good chances for good champs increasing the chance your willing to drop real money
star Lord,
King pin,
red skull.
6*: diablo.
I was (and still a bit is), tempted to quit.
Since then I’ve had gwenpool, aegon (x2), hulk, modok, korg and Hyperion (x2) as well as a couple of great 6* champs after my first was a very disappointing beast.
It always evens out. Hang in there.
But after that i opened my gmc unified crystals.
That gave me a 5* Darkhawk and a Thing, so i guess the table did turn.
You want a Tech AG? I want anything but a Tech AG... lol
Not all bottom of the barrel, but I don't spend much and just joined a low-key retirement ally, so I have to prioritize rankups that will help me complete content, fill roster holes, and not burn resources unwisely.
Rogue *2
Iron patriot
Iron man
welcome to the club
If you are going compare crystal openings to YouTube put in all the facts
Agent Venom ( I'm having a hard time using his heavy attack, I get intercepted a lot )
X - 23 ( I already have a 4 * version of her, who I already spend lots of units & gold to level her up to Rank 4 )
Loki ( I like his SP2 & SP3. Based on public opinion though, he is one of the weakest mystic champs )
Still relying on my pool of 4 * champs to get the job done.
I've 4 of 5 stars now, in order of pull
Dr. Voodoo
Green gob.(he's solid for defence so i considered as good pull)
Human torch (😱)