Das not fair you guys!

So I usually sleep during the day because I do a job that many others wouldn't want to do, which takes place at night. Being that I fill this position and the economy and interwebs continue to function properly because of my generosity... And that if I quit said job, the whole world would feel the effects of my decision as your government's and internet's begin to shut down.
What I'm trying to say is... I always miss out on bugs that benefit the community, extra reward bugs, PhC bugs, L1 revive potion "bug". This happens because I have no choice but to clear content towards the end of the month when I have the time to do it, at which point the bug has came and gone. So what I propose is, I will continue to work my job, as you all work yours at Kabam and everywhere else in the world. Therefore allowing the world to continue to function as is. As long as.... >>>> vv
10,000 shards for everyone who already beat the challenge.
20,000 shards for everyone who hasn't.
Nothing for those who took advantage of the extra 10,000 shards, bcuz they has 20k.
It's pretty simple actually.
If some people got it then why not give it to everyone? If you're gonna let them keep the extra 10k, then let us all get 20k. Its common sense if you ask me. Unless you aren't about that common sense/Logical life. Basically, just be fair. You expect to be treated fairly in the world, so why not do the same. 😠😠
What I'm trying to say is... I always miss out on bugs that benefit the community, extra reward bugs, PhC bugs, L1 revive potion "bug". This happens because I have no choice but to clear content towards the end of the month when I have the time to do it, at which point the bug has came and gone. So what I propose is, I will continue to work my job, as you all work yours at Kabam and everywhere else in the world. Therefore allowing the world to continue to function as is. As long as.... >>>> vv
10,000 shards for everyone who already beat the challenge.
20,000 shards for everyone who hasn't.
Nothing for those who took advantage of the extra 10,000 shards, bcuz they has 20k.
It's pretty simple actually.
If some people got it then why not give it to everyone? If you're gonna let them keep the extra 10k, then let us all get 20k. Its common sense if you ask me. Unless you aren't about that common sense/Logical life. Basically, just be fair. You expect to be treated fairly in the world, so why not do the same. 😠😠
If the quest gave 20k from the get go, and I had a bug and got 10k shards, should it be left like that? What's fair is fair bro. I'm sure you complain about wages on the regular and cry to your mom about your sister all the time.
It's also no one elses fault nor problem if you play things later in the month.
Suck it up buttercup, your problems are yours alone.
Kabam, you better not change it to 20k because these guys are gonna start calling for it to be removed from accounts instead... smh. What clowns. Support your fellow players, what's the big deal if they set it to 20k.
My adv to others when a champ is herded go look at what you spent to ach this champ and request a refund of that amount since you are not happy with the changes and would have never spent that money for the champ as it is now. Maybe if enough did that it would affect their income and they would stop nerfing champs and fix the bugs in the game.
Snooze ya lose.
I take it back, do not change the rewards to 20k or give a further 10k to anyone who missed the second set. The forums will collapse.
Let's look at the main scenarios here.
1) Lower end players. Somehow they manage to complete the Boss Rush twice, they gain an extra 5* champ. Will this help them get to Uncollected or Cavalier with that one extra champ? I doubt it unless it was a massively roster changing champ, which let's be honest it probably wasn't, and if it was they'd still need to spend a long while ranking it up for it to be actually useful.
2) Mid players. They get a second 5* for their time, they've probably already beaten act 5 and are looking to be Cavalier. That one extra 5* is highly unlikely going to be the reason they make that push unless they got some amazing roster changing champ, in which they'd still need to rank up and potentially awaken depending on the champ. Does this benefit them massively? Not really. It sped up their progression by potentially one month extra.
3) High end players. Cool they got another 275 - 550 6* shards for their almost guaranteed dupe of whatever 5* they pulled. Did this benefit them massively? No.
Tell me in which of those scenarios does this massively give an advantage to?
If they decide to let everyone earn double rewards by completing the BR twice, I'm fine with that. But should people just be given the extra rewards for only one completion, or not even completing it in the first place? No.
The simple fact is overall, it's 10k shards. You can gain that amount easily every month with very little play time, and if you put the work in you can gain that in a week.
didn't even atttempt the quest?? If someone else get the double rewards that's fine.... They did the quest and they are entitled to those rewards be it because of bug or not..
I don't understand why do people complain just because others were able to do it first.... It's not the end of world or something...
BTW I haven't done the quest yet...
P.s. I'm quitting my job say goodbye to planet earth and your precious internet!
You were very mad during last competition yes?
P.s. dont kill each other while I never check the forums again, or me in that case.