Looking for alli

Hi looking for an alli who does atleast 5x5, willing to try map 6,
Gold 2+
5911 prestige
Line ID: frodobaggins69


  • liquid_Swordzliquid_Swordz Member Posts: 2
    might be a touch small we do one bg of map5 and the other 2 map4. looking to make another one map5. We can talk on line if you like. el-sano

    or check out my alliance
    The Misfit Runaways (TMR13)
  • JaeSylvrJaeSylvr Member Posts: 53
    @FrodoBaggins Grimx is rebuilding, purged pre-season and now 23 strong. when we are at 30 we run 5x5 in all 3bg. message me on line if interested

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