Should I use generic awakening gem on void or omega red

IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★

Should I use generic awakening gem on void or omega red 15 votes

Spity68SceptilemaniacLaVarBBBTimeGenesis 4 votes
Omega Red
BENJI830MasterduxSaransh245BlackJ4zzFhfjghhggggjfhfjgChampSlayerEinfachSoH3t3r_MGP_TheInfintySettlersofCatan 11 votes


  • SettlersofCatanSettlersofCatan Member Posts: 94
    Omega Red
    How many sigs can you put in either? Are they 4*s or 5*s?

    Omega will get you much further in the game than Void. Double immune. Heals with suicides and the right masteries.

    Also Void isn't as good as he used to be since they started adding indomitable nodes.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★

    How many sigs can you put in either? Are they 4*s or 5*s?

    Omega will get you much further in the game than Void. Double immune. Heals with suicides and the right masteries.

    Also Void isn't as good as he used to be since they started adding indomitable nodes.

    He's not double immune, hes poison immune and 90% bleed resistant, theres a huge difference haha
  • SettlersofCatanSettlersofCatan Member Posts: 94
    Omega Red

    How many sigs can you put in either? Are they 4*s or 5*s?

    Omega will get you much further in the game than Void. Double immune. Heals with suicides and the right masteries.

    Also Void isn't as good as he used to be since they started adding indomitable nodes.

    He's not double immune, hes poison immune and 90% bleed resistant, theres a huge difference haha

  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    2 different types of champs so hard to say. Both need high sig. one is suicide friendly and one is not. Void does things omega could never do and vise versa. Void is incinerate immune which seems to be popping up more and more. I think it really comes down to your roster and what you need. Both are great options and worthy imo.
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