Act5 Chapter 2 Insurrection and Abrogation

How many saved up units, health potions and team revives is ideal in trying to finish up the those last two chapters of Act5 Chapter 2?
Also please mention what team you had used to compete it.
Also please mention what team you had used to compete it.
Potions, revives: A full stash plus about 50 free crystals worth
Team: 4/40 awakened Sentry
4/40 awakened Domino
4/40 awakened Star Lord
4/40 awakened Archangel
2/35 unawakened Thor Ragnarok
Hope you find this helpful
My team was:
5* r3 rhulk
4* 5/50 domino
4* 5/50 magik
4* 5/50 sw
5* r3 gwenpool