AQ Map 5 Ultron Drones

I don’t mean for this to come across as a complaint, just curious to see what other people thought about the Map 5 Ultron Drones?
Their AI definitely seems different, which in itself is fine, but something about the way they react to different things really throws me off. It’s not game-destroying in any way, but just generally makes it harder to predict their movements and keep track of them.
Of course it’s possible that this is all in my head, and I’m just psyching myself out and getting unnecessarily nervous when fighting them. Thoughts? I tend to dislike fighting Sentinels but I’d rather take on 5 of them in a row than go up against an Ultron Drone haha.
Their AI definitely seems different, which in itself is fine, but something about the way they react to different things really throws me off. It’s not game-destroying in any way, but just generally makes it harder to predict their movements and keep track of them.
Of course it’s possible that this is all in my head, and I’m just psyching myself out and getting unnecessarily nervous when fighting them. Thoughts? I tend to dislike fighting Sentinels but I’d rather take on 5 of them in a row than go up against an Ultron Drone haha.