Want to get to Uncollected. what to do to prepare

IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★
Hey all I have completed act 4 and chapt 1 pt 1 of act 5 but I feel like I need to prepare more. I always participate in alliance quests and wars. I am also exploring act 4 currently. Is there anything I should be doing different or anything that could help me get more progress or get closer to uncollected??


  • GMFriskGMFrisk Member Posts: 40
    Can I see your roster of champs. It would be helpful. But for you as a player, I recommend you practice with OG or AoU Vision do you can power burn the Collector. Otherwise you will take a hard hit from the specials. Intercepts are useful because the Collector inflicts a powerful degen debuff and if you intercept him it transfers the debuff to Collector. For the entirety of Act 5 in general though use RoL WS (Realm of Legends Winter Solder) as your practice dummy seeing as he’s a big tank with his HP and you can use him for practice.
    Hope this helps ya out!

  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★
    I’ll get back to you on the roster
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    @IronGladiator22 I understand where you are coming from. I have not completed Act 4, but have explored 100% Chapters 1&2 working on 100% exploring Ch. 3 and have completed the first three quests in Chapter 4. I'm hoping by the end of the year to be Uncollected and making progress to 100% exploring Act 5. I will look at my roster and share it with you so perhaps we could help each other in this journey. I'm also working on making a YouTube account to share helpful MCOC videos.


  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★
    If anyone wishes to know, my MCOC name is the same as my forum name
  • SettlersofCatanSettlersofCatan Member Posts: 94
    There isn't really any advice we can give. Grind as much as you can, work on your masteries, don't spend your units on crystals, grow your roster, rank your roster, tighten up your skills and will it come naturally. If you have specific rank up questions and need other tips we can help.

    This game is a long grind and progression doesn't happen overnight.
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Git good
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★★
    Start to build up your units around 5.2.4-5.2.6

    Because that be where things start to get hella rowdy
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Roster screenshots for rank-up advice is the best individual advice anyone can give.
    Otherwise, read up on the collector so you can know the fight ahead of time, and for the rest of it just be patient, be prepared item-wise, and good luck
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★
    Here are the roster screenshots. I will make a new post with them in it as well

  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    Watch seatin videos on YouTube about uncollected
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