Left hanging in Infinity Dungeon?
Since both members need to agree on concluding/proceeding in the dungeon environment (to protect us?) Then we should be locked in that dungeon room until it ends. By locked in I mean UNABLE to tap the first defender, so you get credit for being there, then backing out to play, dilly-dally, upgrade your champs, or whatever it is they are allowed to do...while we finish the room! Then we are left hanging for 10 min waiting on the timer to take away our pain. Am I the only person that feels this way? I see my "partner" sitting motionless, red "!" But none of their champs are KO'd, they just dont move or respond. So...LOCK THEM OUT OF ALL OTHER GAME FUNCTIONS UNTIL THE DUNGEON ROOM IS CLEARED OR WE ARE BOTH KO'D! If we can't conclude by our own for whatever reason, then lock us into the room until its finished...Period! The only alternative is running with people you know, but what if they never respond to invites? LOCK US IN THE DUNGEON ROOM, IF WE WANT TO BE IN THERE AND CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON, THEN WE SHOULDN'T MIND.