Summoner’s Sigil Timers Not Reset When Repurchased

In case anyone else did not know, like me, the 30 day product, Summoner’s Sigil, will not necessarily be a 30 day product with 30 days worth of purchased elements. Today I have been told about the ‘global timers’ that affect everyone and are not reset when purchasing a new product. The company will also not alter your timer or resolve the matter if you experience the same issue. You will pay the same amount for less product than the previous depending on your timeframe.
If you have purchased this 30 day product for its 30 days worth of elements, as advertised, but are not receiving such, attempt to resolve the issue with support first then file for a resolution with Google Play or Apple and with your local Better Business Bureau (if applicable).
If you have purchased this 30 day product for its 30 days worth of elements, as advertised, but are not receiving such, attempt to resolve the issue with support first then file for a resolution with Google Play or Apple and with your local Better Business Bureau (if applicable).