Who to rank up? r5 5* Domino or r2 6* SS?

Both unawakened. For Domino I have all 5* synergy team. Who should I rank up? Thanks!

Who to rank up? r5 5* Domino or r2 6* SS? 47 votes

6* Symbiote Supreme to r2
AzKicker316R41nb0wm4g1cRotellyBboychoboWîndšpäveBahamutcookiedealerAleorKalantakThe_Watcher 10 votes
5* Domino to r5
RaganatorZENLosspikRiise81TortoigRazorDevilNikoBravoKDoggg2017allinashesSpeeds80MoletronHenrytfu_41Lvernon15arsjumPriyansh7WorknprogressR78ZShrimpRScruffy04DrBruceWayne 37 votes


  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    5* Domino to r5
    Domino dude, Domino.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    5* Domino to r5
    Sym supreme is awesome war boss killer, a machine against niche champs who bleed and have buffs, but he can take those nichechamps at r4 anyway, domino is an all round tank and will plough through all content esp with that trinity. Oh and a top defender, my r5 debate right now is 5* max sign or 6* to r2 I'm ranking her over ghost, ss, or, havok and quake
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    5* Domino to r5
    Speeds80 said:

    Sym supreme is awesome war boss killer, a machine against niche champs who bleed and have buffs, but he can take those nichechamps at r4 anyway, domino is an all round tank and will plough through all content esp with that trinity. Oh and a top defender, my r5 debate right now is 5* max sign or 6* to r2 I'm ranking her over ghost, ss, or, havok and quake

    Utility wise its not the best move to rank domino over ghost but the damage is very high in both cases
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    6* Symbiote Supreme to r2
    Coming from someone who has 6* Domino at r2, I'd say r2 SS. He's a must for act 6, a definite boss killer, overall great for other content.

    Domino is an absolute beast, but a great 6* should get the nod, imo.
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