Symbiote Supreme and Hyperion interaction: Power Gains

WfpkstevezillaWfpkstevezilla Member Posts: 121 ★★
I have noticed on multiple fights when using SS against Hyperion that when I have one stagger on Hyperion that Hyperion will have his power gain nullified but then immediately receive a another power gain. When I have two staggers on Hyperion it will nullify both power gains and use two of my staggers. In Hyperion's description it states "when not at full power, Cosmic Charges are converted into Power Gain Buffs, 1 at a time." These charges are supposed to be "gained periodically." Is this just how Hyperion works or is a bug at play here?


  • WfpkstevezillaWfpkstevezilla Member Posts: 121 ★★
    edited October 2019
    Thought I posted this in the wrong spot. It is however in the right category.
  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 196 ★★
    It has to do with his beginning of fight animation. I brought this up a while back and radio silence. He gains a cosmic charge and converts it to a power gain right at the beginning of the fight. SS nullifies (as he's supposed to), but Hype keeps his cosmic charge (erroneously). Then the next time he gets a periodic cosmic charge he tries to convert one. Its nullified so he tries again. Again nullified.

    Weird that he gets that boost to attack from it. Complete benefit to Kabam.

    Also, he's a mini and this makes him tougher. Don't expect a response (at least until the shuffle them).
  • Dseptykon13Dseptykon13 Member Posts: 54
    Same, dude. Just fought Hype in quest and same thing happened.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Same, dude. Just fought Hype in quest and same thing happened.

    how many cosmic charges did he have, if can do that if he has multiple charges.
  • grolsch420grolsch420 Member Posts: 30
    This has been the case from the beginning. Need to have 2 staggers on him to prevent this.
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