4* crystals

I rarely get a new 4* champ from the 4* crystal now and as they add more I seem to miss out on the newer champs, so why couldn't you do what you do with the 5* crystals and have say a 4000 shard 4* crystal that only contains the last 15/20 champs to be added to the standard 4*, still have the same amount in the 2000 shard crystal.
I.e. The new crystal would contain: iceman, angelina, cable, dorm etc but not the old old champs i.e. Hawkeye, bb, sw etc
You didn't read the post properly
I did read your post properly you said you rarely get new four stars and you know lots of people that are annoyed because they don't pull new four stars and want a chance at new 4 stars which I explain in the post. I should have specified I don't think this is a good or nesesscary idea before I said what I did about arena but what I was trying to say still stands, new four stars are easy to get if you are patient and wait for arenas and a new crystal would be very unnecessary
Dr. Zola
Not everyone has time to do the arena due to real life comitments so it would give them a chance but only an outside chance
Just seen lol