So I pulled a skill gem, kinda disappointing because I needed a Science for my MODOK, but I chose to do it one Korg. He is my first awakened 5*, did I mess up?
@BrooklynZombie you didn't mess up bro .. keep on sinking sig stones into him .. once he gets to sig 120/150+ he becomes a God on Boss node for AW D .. rank him up r5 .. long game move ~ your Alliance will thank you hand over foot .. or you may end up even in a better Alliance cause you can bring him to the table for AW D.
He's one of the worst Boss fights for AW D that we have to face - G1 ally Tier 5/6 Wars
He's one of the worst Boss fights for AW D that we have to face - G1 ally Tier 5/6 Wars