Future voted Champion Buffs LONG lead time for changes

ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★★
edited October 2019 in General Discussion
I was just as excited as anyone when the original vote went out back in early May of this year that we get to chose a Champion to get a well deserved Buff.... smash cut to 5 MONTHS LATER and the buff in question is still in the works. While the concept of re-working old "useless" champs is a huge step in the right direction, is it really always going to take almost HALF A YEAR to implement changes? If we take Kabam's word that all the champs that made the short list are going to get a buff, and using their current 5 month current lead time, we'd be looking at having the other 5 of those original 7 short listed champs buffed by OCTOBER 2020!!!

Again, this is a great thing that's happening, but it really does have to speed up... ALOT... for it to be actually exciting and useful to the players.


  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    xNig said:

    Truly kabam can’t satisfy everyone.

    One camp tells them to take their time and fully test champions before releasing them. The other says it’s taking too long. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    You really think 5 months is a good window to get a re-work on 2 champs? I'm not saying it should happen in a week, but a 2 month turnover to implement, test, and refine buffs should be plenty. If they're not doing CAD model design changes especially. By the time these buffs actually get released we're likely going to be at the 6 month mark, I imagine that's longer than it takes them to design a character from the ground up.
  • LotbrokenLotbroken Member Posts: 16
    By the time the buff is released @Chovner it has been 6 months. If we are to belive it will come with the 25.0 update in november.
  • LotbrokenLotbroken Member Posts: 16
    If every buff is going to take this long from now on, I would rather not know about it untill there’s only a few months left before the release. Then i wont have to be dissapointed for like 3 months when i realize i have to wait another month, and then another month and so on.. i know i should be happy they are getting buffed at all, but with the luck i’m having with 5* pulls this buff can’t come fast enough.. and i seriously doubt they’ve had people working on the champs this whole time, so saying we should be greatfull they are taking the time to do it right is a load of ****. Finish what you start before starting on something else i say.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    Chovner said:

    I was just as excited as anyone when the original vote went out back in early May of this year that we get to chose a Champion to get a well deserved Buff.... smash cut to 5 MONTHS LATER and the buff in question is still in the works. While the concept of re-working old "useless" champs is a huge step in the right direction, is it really always going to take almost HALF A YEAR to implement changes? If we take Kabam's word that all the champs that made the short list are going to get a buff, and using their current 5 month current lead time, we'd be looking at having the other 5 of those original 7 short listed champs buffed by OCTOBER 2020!!!

    Again, this is a great thing that's happening, but it really does have to speed up... ALOT... for it to be actually exciting and useful to the players.

  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Ya the rework speed is way to long. 6 months turn around on balance changes is kind of absurd in all honesty. Think of most console games. The do full game wide balance changes every couple months for weapons/armor etc.

    Imagine if those game adjusted 2 sets of armor or 2 weapons only in 6 month.
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    With all the other stuff that is in the works and bigs that need fixing, we need to be patient for SOME things at least. They already had a beta for OML and ol' pointy finger (colossus).

    That tells me that they have listened to feedback and are making some changes. And hopefully testing.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    they buffed total of 4 champs in entire year!!! (2 still pending release) so at this speed 4 champs a year and having to rework atleast 20 of old ones and some newly released like diablo,ebony& some nerfs, it takes total of 4 more years till champs like hulkbuster or magneto or moonknight is buffed so basicaly reworking old champs becomes useless again since game meta would have moved to much higher stars, heath points (yeh try beating a 3M health points with magneto) and so on,
    - so unless buffing old champs is finished in a year all that hard work is useless ,
    - buffing them is just as important as releasing buffed champs fast!
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    Kalantak said:

    they buffed total of 4 champs in entire year!!! (2 still pending release) so at this speed 4 champs a year and having to rework atleast 20 of old ones and some newly released like diablo,ebony& some nerfs, it takes total of 4 more years till champs like hulkbuster or magneto or moonknight is buffed so basicaly reworking old champs becomes useless again since game meta would have moved to much higher stars, heath points (yeh try beating a 3M health points with magneto) and so on,
    - so unless buffing old champs is finished in a year all that hard work is useless ,
    - buffing them is just as important as releasing buffed champs fast!

    I can't believe i'm actually defending Kabam in this (must be my RL occupation)...
    They have to release new champs to keep people spending so they can make money to pay for the developers and designers to buff the older champs.

    Also, it's only been this year that a significant of content started being unreasonable for R5 4*, and 5*s were released over 3 years ago. So i think it's not going to be too bad.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    Lormif said:

    Community players
    Also community players


    More like

    Community: Kabam, you can’t put out this much content and at least 2 new champs every month. They’re coming out too bugged. That’s not enough time for you to perform proper testing and balancing. Maybe cut back to 1 or take a month off from new champs.

    Also Community: Several months is too long to drag this out for reworking 2 out of the dozens of already existing underwhelming champs. You have too many things to fix because you’re still keeping to your already too frantic main release pace. You’re making changes no one demanded and taking too long to do it. We asked for attribute tweaks and you’re starting from scratch. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    Truly kabam can’t satisfy everyone.

    One camp tells them to take their time and fully test champions before releasing them. The other says it’s taking too long. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Take time to release new champs but they arent releasing new champs are they cuz OML and Colossus arent new...
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Hopefully someone tested their heavies to make sure they aren’t, “bugged” :D:D and cant be used at the end of a combo.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    In the end, these champion reworks isn't going to be Kabam's first priority. It's just a fact.
    They're going to want to focus first on the new champions that they release. They need to make money to keep the game running, after all, and releasing new champions makes a lot more money than reworking the champions that a fair portion of the community already has.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    well currently each month we have 2 new champions released, also we now have the balance changes to recently released champions ( Human Torch and Annilus and now Cull and Maw) on top of redesigning two old champions.

    Their priority will always be foremost getting new champions designed and released (It brings in money for them and also used to build the monthly EQ)
    Plus they want to focus on getting the redesign right the first time. If they followed the model of new champion releases they would release champion redesigns without a beta which would probably speed up the process by 2-3 months, however there is a chance the redesign falls short.

    So i don't think a little patience on the redesigns isn't much to ask for to get old champions to a state in which they are useful to players. All the redesigns have been pretty good to date.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I think 6 months are entirely too long but I will agree that I rather have them test and perfect it. Meaning we do not need to see any extra changes to Colossus or OML once the buff is actually released.
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