Suicide Mastery Issue (Double Edge)

First Image -
R5 OR with 3 points in LC and 1 in Double Edge

Attack - 3632, PI - 15020
And just now I unlocked 2nd point in DE and put a point in it, instead of PI and attack increase, both stats got lowered.

This shouldn't be happening. Can anyone from team look into it.
R5 OR with 3 points in LC and 1 in Double Edge

Attack - 3632, PI - 15020
And just now I unlocked 2nd point in DE and put a point in it, instead of PI and attack increase, both stats got lowered.

This shouldn't be happening. Can anyone from team look into it.
At R5, Attack 2437, so 3 points in LC and 2 in DE is 50% attack increase.
That should bring attack from 2437 to about 3900(50% increase from suicides, 7.2% from Glass cannon and 1.6% from Greater strength)
First image of OR is before the update and second is of today.
Same can be verified by looking at champ name as after this update, champs name are covered by white border.