@DJMNH Corvus for Collector 5.2.6 100% best 4* for the job
get him duped, shoulda picked up the $30 generic 4* AG offer that was on the 1st of the month 😬 .. get the next one, he only needs to be at sig 1 .. use 20% revives.. I dropped the Collector in 5 tries w. him and 20% revives - cheapest way to beat him if ur not some God kine player
So, pick the one your prefer.
get him duped, shoulda picked up the $30 generic 4* AG offer that was on the 1st of the month 😬 .. get the next one, he only needs to be at sig 1 .. use 20% revives.. I dropped the Collector in 5 tries w. him and 20% revives - cheapest way to beat him if ur not some God kine player