Ghost is amazing all in all, but for now your sparky will probably be more helpful. Ghost is heavily reliant on her wasp synergy as it makes her specials unblockable (If done right).But that also requires a lot of skill with her. Stark spidey isn’t reliant on synergies or his dupe to be amazing. He was my first r5 4 star and I still use him to this day. Just dex their attacks till your poise charges are up, then pound into em and win the game.
People make Ghost out to be super difficult to play but it really isnt, no, I don't think I am as good as "insert youtuber here" but I make the point that even average players can get a lot of use from Ghost with effort that doesnt take more than an hour to learn.
OP, do both. Flip a coin to see who is first.