Who should I rank for Masochism?

Trying to get Uncollected before cyber Monday to have access to the better offers.
Some I was considering include
Omega Red since when his spores are up it doesn’t allow the masochism to trigger
Cap iw since the petrify or armor break will consume before the parry allowing me to parry like usual
Proxima since her blocks have 200% reduction in ability, but not sure if she’s worth using the t4b on
Warlock to prevent regen when enemy is infected
Any other champs stand out?
I like my wasp, cause the stun she causes on her combo is passive, so it can be purified by masochism
(And for some reason, the parries my Proxima Midnight applies also aren’t purified, but I don’t know if that’s a bug or not)
But really, any champion that don’t rely on debuffs will do
Just parry before the timer goes for void
Nick fury is actually rly good
So is cap marvel
If you have dispare Gwen Pool can be good
First hit parry triggers machocism and then parry their second hit to stun. Similar to how you can parry IMIW, Havok, and other champs that can’t be parried on medium. They’ll regen but as long as you are aggressive you should easily outdo the regen in most content with the majority of champs.
Gonna use nick fury, cap iw, omega red, captain marvel, and warlock.
Since i don’t have archangel ,between omega and proxima I was gonna rank OR since he’ll do more damage while also being able to bypass maso.
I’m thinking of taking her to 5/50 , would this be a better choice than scarlet witch? I can take both to a sig of around 50-60.