Why are u guys complaining about 6* champs?

First of all 5*s were released for about 2 years now. What will happen to those top players who will beat 5.3 and 5.4 and get their r5 5*? They'll simply quit...why? Cuz they already achieved their goal getting a maxed 5*s...so that's it? Simply there will be no point to continue playing! This is endless game...so u should expect 6*s and maybe 7*s, act 6 and 7, new LOL or something in the future, that way players wouldn't lose addiction to the game.
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everyone trying to climb the leaderboards of AQ aswel
Yes, but those players who are already there, what else they would do? They did what they were trying to achieve, and those players who ain't there yet, they'll eventually, it supposed to be endless game guys
They said r5 5*s will be available be 6*s, plus alot of people were complaining about max sig 5*s
That's how they'll lose their game
They will continue to be on top duh . unless someone else passes them up in progression. thats how it is.
All the best rewards will be given in AQ
So that means WAY toughter enemies and challenging nodes etc.
It will get to the point where you wil need a Rank 5 5* for example to fight very very high pi aq
those players will be using there mass rosters to grind 5* arena when it comes out.
and the rewards will be t5b and t5c and t3 alphas
just you wait and see. 4* will be phased out,just like 3* arent even touched in top alliances.
exactly, would it be fair to make those semi top players get to top players? Don't think so
Yes, again, if u have achieved everything u want, there'll be no point to continue playing
True, they early announced em to make up for those who dupe useless champs like kk, antman, etc
but they make it so you can never achieve what you want
There is no possible way for me to ever play in the top tier now, because while I advance, they will advance at a greater rate. So now the game is redundant. You spend resources, grind content and feel like you are advancing. But what you are really doing is working to stay where you are. The futility of it sucks much of the enjoyment and now there is nothing that can be achieved. Just the illusion of advancement.
thats why its called power creep.
right now anybody can get in a top alliance RIGHT now
Skill + Aq champs even 4* 5/50's will suffice.
for example i have a 4* 5/50 voodoo, i love him in aq, Regen,Mystic Dispersion,Poison ETC.
but i WOULD love a 5* R4 Dr voodoo. to make aq easier and huge prestige boost
i seen so many people have him and for right now...a 5* voodoo makes map 6 easier than having a 4* voodoo.
just give it time. we will have plenty of time to get 5* just like how we grinded for 4* and if you been playing since the beginning like me u would know the struggle.
my first 4* was act 3 100% kids nowadays just need to grind beginner arena and bamm couple 4* in less than 30 days..
True, they early announced em to make up for those who dupe useless champs like kk, antman, etc
Ur current ally will be growing with u so u r advancing in aq, aw, etc...plus 4 and 5*s and their requirements will be more available so it'll be easier and rewards r gonna be better
Meant maxing 4*s
You think people are after just 1 rank 5 five star?
The point is that it's gonna be possible to get them
But without an end game strength, the alliances ahead of us will grow away from us at the same rate. So we will be treading water. I have a limited amount of time to play. I can't get champs through arenas because of this. I advance at a slower but steady rate. But I figured eventually I could get in that top tier, it will just take me longer. Well now I know I never will because they will keep making that top tier further away any time I think I am making progress.
You asked why people are complaining, I'm telling you why. What are you arguing with me for, did you want an answer or were you looking for an argument. Maybe my opinions do not apply to your situation. Maybe you like endlessly chasing a carrot, I don't particularly care what your reasoning is for liking it. I never asked. You did, take the answer and move on.
I doubt it, 6*s r being released after 2 years of 5*s were
I'm discussing why u complaining, i don't see something wrong with that, it's in general discussion section...however, the more u play the more u get, don't expect those players who just do quests will be like those who grind arena and everything, hard work required here
Nah, it'd be like rol and lol...we all thought it's impossible to beat em at first, but it's beatable now, this is how the game is