Hyperion or New CM

Struggling with a great problem to have...awaken and R4/5 Hypo or MCU CM?
Initially only ~20 sig levels available, looking for content clearer and all around great champ. Already have Corvus, Proxima, Medusa awakened.
Thoughts appreciated...
Dr. Zola
Initially only ~20 sig levels available, looking for content clearer and all around great champ. Already have Corvus, Proxima, Medusa awakened.
Thoughts appreciated...
Dr. Zola
And Hypo has old school appeal for me. It’s honestly a struggle.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Regardless, both have their uses, but in my opinion Hyperion benefits a lot more from his awakened ability, the extra duration on his buffs is massive for him. The indestructible on Captain Sparkles is valuable, but it's not necessary, she's a beast without it too.
I'd say go for Hyperion.
Hyperion: Is great without synergies & only really needs 20 sig levels but really needs the Dupe although his prestige is ass. He isnt available as a 6* so there no chance you can pull him a 2nd time.
* Do you have Nick Fury? Yes, Do you need prestige & are willing to drop a lot of sigs? Yes - CM
* Do you not need the Prestige that heavily? Yes , want maximum value for not many sig stones? Yes - Hyperion
If I was in your position Id go Hype.
Dr. Zola
I chose Hypo. Old champ, easy mechanics.
Dr. Zola
On other Hyperion is good great power gain and regeneration is also good
IMO Hyperion deserve that Awakening Gem more than Cap Marvel.
1) With 25 Binary charge Cap Marvel Can finish fight quickly. but imo she really needs nick fury synergy for xtra binary charge time. And collecting Binary Charge is not that hard task just do proper block for 2 Binary Charge, SP1 for 3 Binary Charge n SP3 for 10 Binary charge.
2) Hyperion's attack/damage is totally depends on his heavy. if you know how to do heavy in some tricky condition's like stun immune node then Go for him. i like his Power Gain & all special attacks + Regen which helps in hard situation.
May be you know all about this but still...
I hope you will rankup both champs step by step.... But whom to first is all upto you 😅
Good Luck...
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola