Why Kamala Khan should be the next champ to be buffed



  • LaVarBBBLaVarBBB Member Posts: 81
    out of all the champions, she doesn't really need the buff as badly compared to other champions. Watch Swedeah's videos for some underrated KK gameplay.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    Not white male = PR, some people can be extremely ignorant and need to step out of their bubble
    On another note out of all the champs KK deserves it the least. She hits the hardest with her furies and she is poison immune, shes an average champ but the other 5 are below average.

    Are you saying that you would find a creation of editorial mandate, shoehorned into the spotlight alongside other editorially mandated creations, and not given enough time to grow beyond their shallow origins to not be PR if it was a white male character?
    Most definitely wouldnt get the ignorant outrage. You could see the superhero fandom reaction to anyone that isnt a white man. Outrage over black panther, outrage over captain marvel and apparently a super hero who has 10 volumes in the past few years and is of decent quality if you have even bothered to read the comics is simply a PR stunt? Well if thats what constitutes a PR stunt then the entire MCU is a PR stunt for nationalists and other ideological groups but since it shares the same features with the target audience its fine/s
    Sometimes people like the thing they grew up with, shallow and unrealistic or not, and react poorly if they think it’ll change or be diminished. It doesn’t mean they’re all virulent racist misogynists. Doesn’t mean that some aren’t.

    People jump to conclusions too fast. There was a freakout when it came out that I didn’t want to see the new Star Wars. “Because it’s got a woman as the hero? [Insert lengthy rant about how I must fear strong women]“

    “No. I don’t want to see it because Star Wars has always been stupid. The toys were cool but the movies have always been hacky trash.”

    People are jumping to conclusions here about me talking about the prominent placement of Kamala Khan (in the comics, although her relentless push in the comics has led to her placement in other media) being a PR move. How else would you describe it? Does anyone really believe that all the writers and editors of all those comics independently decided that they would introduce or push poorly written Mary Sue characters of different races, religions, genders, and sexuality all at roughly the same time and then humble brag about doing it to whoever would listen?

    Anyway, I’m team OGBP. I still don’t have his 5 star. I mained his 3 star way longer than I should have. If not him, gotta be Abomination.

    Also, becoming Captain Marvel was the worst thing to happen to the Carol Danvers character.
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  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81
    only champ that needs a rework at the moment is Man-thing

    1. Classic Iconic Character
    2. Representation for mystic class
    3. Super useful for Variant 2 and mystic gates if properly addressed
    4. It's October. Justice for horror comics book icons.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    100000% wrong. She's the last champ on the list to get buffed.


  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    I would love to see Kamala tweaked. Just like Magik was 'tweaked' to become one of the best champs at the time. Plus, she would really help make CMM truly crush :)
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