Are awakening & rank up gem pulls actually random?

I have 100% variant 1 & 2. I pulled 3x 2015 tech gems, 2x mystic 5* ags & 2x mystic 5* R5 gems.
I have 100% two chapters of variant 3 & pulled 2x 2015/6 tech gems.
I have now pulled 5x tech R4 gems out of 8 & they are all unused. It's not like I even have 5x tech champs from those years & I have none of the good ones. If I can pick myself after more disappointment, what is the betting that I will get another mystic ag & R5 gem?
My last 3 or 4 5* ags have been mystic. Before that I had a run of 3x tech.
There should be a 1 in 6 chance of pulling each class surely but it seems like it's 100% to pull the class you don't need.
Do I just need to pray for buffs to IM, IP, HB & HTD now?
I have 100% two chapters of variant 3 & pulled 2x 2015/6 tech gems.
I have now pulled 5x tech R4 gems out of 8 & they are all unused. It's not like I even have 5x tech champs from those years & I have none of the good ones. If I can pick myself after more disappointment, what is the betting that I will get another mystic ag & R5 gem?
My last 3 or 4 5* ags have been mystic. Before that I had a run of 3x tech.
There should be a 1 in 6 chance of pulling each class surely but it seems like it's 100% to pull the class you don't need.
Do I just need to pray for buffs to IM, IP, HB & HTD now?
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Based on the state of your account, those percentages are weighted, nothing is ever a 0% or 100% chance of happening. This would be to incentivise you to spend when particular offers come up because you just can't seem to pull that class of T4CC or awakening gem. This might also mean that highly rated champs (according to Kabam's internal metrics) are harder to acquire, not impossible, just less likely. It allows for legal manipulation within the regulations for loot box drop rates.
I had a streak of 3 or 4 tech 5* AGs but now it's a similar mystic streak.
The RNG seems to be bugged on my account.
I like to roll dice to look at how common groupings and streaks actually are when you only have 6 options. It’s more common than you would think and you can do it with a couple taps at
Imagine getting results like this, well I guess you don’t have to imagine.
I am not discounting the fact that you can have a random streak of a highly improbable outcome. I went 0/13 on 25% featured crystals once. Many people would think that's impossible. It's not even close to impossible... 2.4% chance of that happening (or if they are 20% then it jumps to 5.5%). This is higher than people getting 6* featured in Cavalier, but we know that happens.
It's hardly a tin foil theory to think that Kabam would want to incentivize purchasing in their game. I'm not even demonizing them for it. It's perfectly legitimate. I see someone has posted that Kabam Lyra has posted otherwise. Yet Kabam have stated in the forums numerous times how the game does not behave this way or that way, only to be proven otherwise incorrect.
Its 100% a tinfoil theory when there's zero proof to back up the claims. 10 bucks says if you take everyones pulls and combine them, its still random.
If I wrote some code & used the same seed for the random number generator it would always return the same series of numbers. So if I generated 10 random numbers, the sequence would always be the same. The first number would always be the same, the 2nd number would always be the same, etc. This would be a bug.
I admit it's possible to roll 8 dice & get 5 the same but what are the odds? 0.001%? Note the pic shows 4.
I know I haven't opened a ton of gems but it's frustrating for my "random" pulls to be so once sided & it's not just one particular type of crystal that this has happened to.
I've also opened 28 featured cavaliers without a 5 or 6*. Possible, but very low odds - 0.002%. I've opened 20+ legendary crystals without a 5* = 0.01%, etc. I guess my account just likes low odds.
No one ever said code couldnt be written. We're only saying no one can prove the code is written that way now. Theyve stated over and over that its random. For each person that says its not, theres always one that can prove otherwise.
Since this has been answered before, this thread will be closed.