New Ally looking for only Cavaliers and Elders Banes

Hello everyone
We want to make alliance with only Cavaliers and Elders Banes. Alliance is not created yet and we hope a lot of you will recognize themself in this words and contact me.
If you are tired of losing wars for few deaths,
If you are tired of people fighting Mr.Sinister with Corvus, without counters,
If you are tired of ego over team,
This is the right place for you.
This will be democratic alliance, everyone will be officer, 30 voices, 30 votes.
And also, we all have life beside this addiction, beside this game, and when we play it is our runaway from reality, and should be happy place, without frustrations. Everyone is doing their job, collect resources and go to work
Alliance will be focused on AQ, maps 5 and 6, depending on you. We all need t4b, t1a, t2a more than shards. We will run war also of course, every path, every node with counter. Creating mini groups, 3 people chat room, that run ex. path 1,2,3 and communicate who to bring in. Idea is that 1st person that enters war sends screenshots, but very welcome on new ideas
Line ID obligated, donations also. Maps 5 and 6 are pretty expensive.
If You are interested, please contact me
Ingame ID : Khal Crogoo
Line ID : khalcrogoo
Thank you and hope to hear you soon
We want to make alliance with only Cavaliers and Elders Banes. Alliance is not created yet and we hope a lot of you will recognize themself in this words and contact me.
If you are tired of losing wars for few deaths,
If you are tired of people fighting Mr.Sinister with Corvus, without counters,
If you are tired of ego over team,
This is the right place for you.
This will be democratic alliance, everyone will be officer, 30 voices, 30 votes.
And also, we all have life beside this addiction, beside this game, and when we play it is our runaway from reality, and should be happy place, without frustrations. Everyone is doing their job, collect resources and go to work

Alliance will be focused on AQ, maps 5 and 6, depending on you. We all need t4b, t1a, t2a more than shards. We will run war also of course, every path, every node with counter. Creating mini groups, 3 people chat room, that run ex. path 1,2,3 and communicate who to bring in. Idea is that 1st person that enters war sends screenshots, but very welcome on new ideas

Line ID obligated, donations also. Maps 5 and 6 are pretty expensive.
If You are interested, please contact me

Ingame ID : Khal Crogoo
Line ID : khalcrogoo
Thank you and hope to hear you soon