Looking for new recruits for Nymarvelsquad

Nymarvelsquad is looking to add 3 more active members. Currently running AQ 4&2 but could change with more active members. Wrapping up AW in silver1 running two maps. Will go to : maps depending on activity.
Looking for members with a rating of 150k+. We use line app to communicate. The alliance understands if you can’t make every event due to family/work requirements just communicate on your availability.
If interested or have questions contact me MCOC and Line ID is Jaxjay2
Looking for members with a rating of 150k+. We use line app to communicate. The alliance understands if you can’t make every event due to family/work requirements just communicate on your availability.
If interested or have questions contact me MCOC and Line ID is Jaxjay2
Still looking for 3. If interested contact me at Jaxjay2 in MCOC or on Line app