Yondu Special Attack 2 Damage Cap

I not asking for a full rework, he doesnt need a full rework
He only needs a less number for Special Attack 2 cap damage
From Yondu's spotlight:
" Special 2: A Little Help From My Friends – A strafing run from a Ravager M-Ship peppers the arena with Yondu’s secret spice mix.
+424 Block Penetration
+174 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x15 "
As you can see his damage cap at x15 special attack's activated by the enemy
But in the realities of the game, x15 in one fight will never happen unless somewhere in the Labyrynth or Realm of legends.
I checked his special attack 2 in the realm of legens against Winter Soldier and i concluded that:
after the x15 enemy special attack's , the enemy had only about 20-15% health or already dead... Winter Soldier had 547.774 and it's means, you need take off like 300k health before you fully ramp up Yondu's Special Attack 2 damage.
But, in reality of the game, based on normal gameplay against normal opponents with 50-100k health, Yondu's special attack 2 damage cant fully ramp up to his max damage or half.
I think it would be better if they replace hix max damage ramp up cap from x15 to x5 or x10.
For exemple: +174 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x15
To +261 attack Max: x10 261*10=2610
Or maybe +522 attack Max: x5 522*5=2610
As you can see, it's the same amount of damage but with less ramp up time and more balanced.
He doesnt need a full rework, they just need to take a look for his " x15 " number.
I hope this comes to the development team. I hope some of them agree.
And sorry for my english..
He only needs a less number for Special Attack 2 cap damage
From Yondu's spotlight:
" Special 2: A Little Help From My Friends – A strafing run from a Ravager M-Ship peppers the arena with Yondu’s secret spice mix.
+424 Block Penetration
+174 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x15 "
As you can see his damage cap at x15 special attack's activated by the enemy
But in the realities of the game, x15 in one fight will never happen unless somewhere in the Labyrynth or Realm of legends.
I checked his special attack 2 in the realm of legens against Winter Soldier and i concluded that:
after the x15 enemy special attack's , the enemy had only about 20-15% health or already dead... Winter Soldier had 547.774 and it's means, you need take off like 300k health before you fully ramp up Yondu's Special Attack 2 damage.
But, in reality of the game, based on normal gameplay against normal opponents with 50-100k health, Yondu's special attack 2 damage cant fully ramp up to his max damage or half.
I think it would be better if they replace hix max damage ramp up cap from x15 to x5 or x10.
For exemple: +174 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x15
To +261 attack Max: x10 261*10=2610
Or maybe +522 attack Max: x5 522*5=2610
As you can see, it's the same amount of damage but with less ramp up time and more balanced.
He doesnt need a full rework, they just need to take a look for his " x15 " number.
I hope this comes to the development team. I hope some of them agree.
And sorry for my english..