Let’s talk about champion balance.

I’m here to start a discussion about champion balance.
There is no need to start snipping away at champions stats and ability’s.
The game is most enjoyed while playing strong champions.
No one wants to play average champions. So please stop with these plans to balance. Wether you nerf them in private or nerf them publicly on the forums, it still makes the game less fun.
We want the contest of champions, strongest fighters in the omniverse.
Not the “contest of average champions.”
Can you please let these champions blossom in their own right. Instead of trying to bring them down.
Kabam needs to continue to raise the bar, and by doing so raise our enjoyment.
Instead of continually lowering the bar, and leaving us with disappointment.
There is no need to start snipping away at champions stats and ability’s.
The game is most enjoyed while playing strong champions.
No one wants to play average champions. So please stop with these plans to balance. Wether you nerf them in private or nerf them publicly on the forums, it still makes the game less fun.
We want the contest of champions, strongest fighters in the omniverse.
Not the “contest of average champions.”
Can you please let these champions blossom in their own right. Instead of trying to bring them down.
Kabam needs to continue to raise the bar, and by doing so raise our enjoyment.
Instead of continually lowering the bar, and leaving us with disappointment.