Bishop (very slight) Buff Possibility

Bishop is a champion that is very near and dear to me because of how much I used him when I was missing any other decent damage dealing champ; and as such I really really had wanted to awaken him, however, despite the slight utility benefit I actually found that it could be very unnecessarily annoying as well due to his degen when at an S3 for an extended period of time. It can be very easy to accidentally end up at an S3 too quickly with the Sig ability but often the payoff is less than worth it considering that you'll have to sacrifice some damage and health to avoid losing even more health. Or from a game play stand point, it can be argued that since if you were pushed to an S3 You're probably getting backed into a corner to begin with and getting a parry to build up prowess is already taking a good bit of skill. Long story short, how about removing the S3 degen, even if it means increasing the prowess cap overload degen to a degree to maintain stakes, and as a small bonus either increase the prowess damage or cap. Of course the damage doesn't have to be insanely higher but since damage is likely what Bishop is ranked up for it'll make him a more enticing option.