Is 4* Masacre good

How good is an unduped Masacre? Is he worth replacing? Lol i'm posting again cuz i didn't get a clear enough response. Who should i replace him with:
4* duped Rogue
4* unduped Venom the Duck
3* duped Cap America IW
4* unduped Human Torch
4* unduped Sentinel
4* duped Rogue
4* unduped Venom the Duck
3* duped Cap America IW
4* unduped Human Torch
4* unduped Sentinel
For example, i would tell you to switch cap iw with him since he is a 3*, but i dont know how much sig level your cap iw is cause maxed sig 3* cap iw is more usefull even if he's a 3* IF your masscare is on low rank, then again, you didnt tell which rank is he and how many rank do you planning to take him into.
If you didnt think that far, i suggest you just try around and see which champion that you feel most comfortable to play with.
Also, friendly reminder :