The collector 100% tips

so i only have this dude left to get elders bane . i have stark spidy and spidergwen but he keeps triggering unstoppable while the bane gets transferred to me . so how can i get him done with the least units as possible.
I used Awakened OG Hulk with Thor Rags and Heimdall to get two 'cheat death' moments, and deal some extra damage. It's one way to get some decent damage out of Hulk! Just revive with a 20% revive and heal up to 25% if you want to get the Hulk Smash Fury buff.
She-hulk's Slow debuff can prevent his Unstoppable, although only if Collector's Tenacity doesn't shrug it off.
Stark seems to be the other recommended option, but I didn't have him at the time, so I can't give any advice on that one.