Do I awaken 5* carnage or wait for another 5*

Do I awaken 5* carnage or wait for another 5* 15 votes

Awaken Carnage
Wait for other 5* champ
DarkZenTROUBL3DMityAntLvernon15DOKTOROKTOPUSMegaGalacticZombieZeddGreninjiteXFhfjghhggggjfhfjgCrazy_JamieDreadpool_XF8JleodavOneAboveAll13AmytGStellan 15 votes


  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    whats your mind or heart telling you?
  • AmytGAmytG Member Posts: 36
    Wait for other 5* champ
    As much as I love my adorable little monster, there are too many cosmic champions who are just as good or better for you to pop an awakening gem on him. That being said, if you find yourself with a handful to pop, definitely do it. Already fun boi is even more fun with the awakened ability.
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